In 2017, the first interstellar object was spotted passing through our solar system. The mysterious object called OUMUAMUA, reminiscent of a cigar-shaped rock, was moving at an unusually high speed and against the laws of physics, so that scientists led by Avi Loeb, Director of the Institute for Theory & Computation at Harvard University, saw OUMUAMUA as proof of extraterrestrial life. OUMUAMUA was a probe that had entered our solar system to collect data. But what was there to collect? What criteria do alien intelligences use to look at our solar system, at the Earth, at humans? The Marc Sinan Company takes up this thought experiment in its OUMUAMUA project and develops a transcultural alternative to the colonial and anthropocentric world view with its post-anthropocentric sound sculpture. What makes OUMUAMUA special is the complete neutrality with which it views the world and acoustic phenomena: Whether the barking of a dog, a symphony by Beethoven, street noise or the rustling of leaves in the wind, everything seems to be of equal value to OUMUAMUA. The interactive sculpture absorbs all sounds in its environment and destroys hierarchies by creating a sound cosmos that reproduces all input with equal authority. Because only the dissolution of human categories allows us to answer philosophical and ethnic questions in a value-free way, without excluding the foreign/other.
Marc Sinan is a composer and guitarist. He lives and works in Berlin and releases the recordings of his works on ECM Records. His mostly full-length works address current socio-political issues and have already been performed at various institutions and festivals. In his work, he explores new ways of collaboration between artists in a transcultural and transmedia context.