In SO CLOSE YET SO FAR the works presented offer the opportunity to approach the self-expression of seven contemporary artists. In the works, we have to discover and decipher the dialects they present. Each work is unique in its expression of this language and offers a physical and inner exploration of the self. Tiffany Alfonseca, Rafael Baron, Muofhe Manavhela, Shaina McCoy, Tonia Nneji, Deborah Segun and Demetrius Wilson allow us to get closer to them, not only through what is depicted in their work, but also through their own expression of style and form. From the most detailed figures to the most abstract forms, the works presented can be experienced up close, but also from our ability to imagine their creation from the distant studio in which they were created.


José Manuel Mesías is a collector of discarded items. On his walks through the streets of Havana, he collects images, objects, memories; fragments of things that only make sense in his peculiar universe. NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE PAINTED is a small selection from the broad spectrum that makes up the work of this young, multidisciplinary Cuban artist. In this selection of works, we are presented with scenes that will undoubtedly transport us to Cuba, past and present. We are confronted with the absurdity of a walk through the streets of Havana, with the historical narrative that weighs on Cubans, and with the uncertainty of empty space. In this exhibition, we take a look at José Manuel Mesías and this small but complex island that reinvents itself every day through the power of blows.

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