The sound installation SEVEN SPIRITS explores the possibility and desire to forget. The literary model is Lord Byron’s “Manfred”, who – like Goethe’s “Faust” – despairs of his inability to penetrate the world. In his longing for naïve innocence, he calls upon seven spirits to free him from the burden of knowledge. As an overwriting, the musical intervention deals with the experience of an old National Socialist who derives the right to forget from hubris, namely her perceived superiority: Her deeds, her own life. She wants to die in order to forget.

These SEVEN SPIRITS appear on the Spreewiese to seduce the audience and random passers-by alike with their sounds. The seven loudspeaker sculptures are arranged in a circle and create an immersive sound experience with hypnotic power.

Marc Sinan is a composer and guitarist. He lives and works in Berlin and releases the recordings of his works on ECM Records. His mostly full-length works address current socio-political issues and have already been performed at various institutions and festivals. In his work, he explores new ways of collaboration between artists in a transcultural and transmedia context.


Zora Slokar was born in Bern, Switzerland, in 1980. She started playing the violin at the age of 5 and received her first horn lessons at the age of 16. After studying in Bern and Maastricht, she is currently taking a soloist class with Prof. Radovan Vlatković at the Hochschule für Musik in Zurich. She has won numerous prizes and awards, was principal horn in the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra and the UBS Verbier Festival Orchestra and is currently principal horn in the “Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana” in Lugano.